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Welcome to PACE Fitness – Positive Athletic Club Experience. You are invited to be our guest with our FREE / 3 Day / 72 Hour / Unlimited Pass. 


Check out below to see what ALL we have to offer. Click on the video tour link for a virtual tour or stop by during staffed hours for a personal tour.


You’ve  taken the first step to a healthier life. Let us help you reach your fitness goals.


PACE Indoor Track


Rain or shine keep your goals on track with our indoor track! Just 20 laps in the center to make a mile (21 hugging the inside curve). Walk or run in either direction, but for the safety of all members please refrain from performing stationary exercises on the track.


PACE Cardio Theater


Get your heart rate up in our cardio theater, featuring over 25 pieces of cardio equipment for you to keep your heart healthy and burn more calories.


PACE Free Weights


We offer a wide variety of free weights, plate-loaded machines, and kettlebells. Use of free weights as a more advanced form of strength conditioning does require more knowledge to use safely. A personal trainer can show you the exercises that would create the best results while monitoring your form to get the most out of each rep. Remember, proper utilization of free weights will require a spotter for many exercises.



PACE Tanning


The tanning room is accessible 24/7 with several payment options available to PACE members only.


*PACE does NOT recommend, and the FDA warns about the use of tanning beds.


PACE Change Area and Showers


Changing areas and showers available in separate restrooms for women and men.  You just need to bring your personal items and a bath towel.


PACE Hydraulic Circuit


This is an interval training, fast-twitch muscle development program which is very efficient and effective. Get your heart rate in the target zone and receive cardio, strength, and flexibility training at the same time. Our PACE Hydraulic Circuit, with 10 machines and 10 recovery stations, is designed to provide a safe, challenging, total body workout: regardless of your age or physical fitness level.

PACE Life Fitness Weight Machines


We have over 20 selectorized weight machines that provide a safe, effective way of strength training. With multiple points to set personal range of motion and weight resistance, you are automatically isolating the desired muscle or muscle group. Take advantage of your free personal training session to help with proper use and to identify the best machines to reach your goals.



PACE Classroom


The classroom is where all our high-quality classes are conducted. Please click on the "classes tab" on the main menu for a list of current classes, including bio and contact information for our instructors.


The room is available for club members to use 24/7 when there is not a class in session. The room is also available for rent by the hour or by the month for fitness-related classes or meetings.


PACE Kids Korner


We offer a safe gated area with TV and a separate restroom for members to bring their children while they are working out. NO CHILDCARE is provided, and parents are responsible for their children while in the facility.


PACE Locker Rental


Lockers are available to rent and are ONLY $25 per year plus $10 key deposit.

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(501) 796-4343


Staffed Hours:  Monday & Thursday 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm or by  appointment

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